Struct item_validator

Struct Documentation

struct item_validator

An item_validator binds a type_validator to an item in a category along with other information found in the dictionary.

mmCIF dictionaries may indicate an item is e.g. mandatory or consists of a certain list of allowed values. Even default values can be provided.

Public Functions

inline bool operator<(const item_validator &rhs) const

Compare based on the name.

inline bool operator==(const item_validator &rhs) const

Compare based on the name.

void operator()(std::string_view value) const

Validate the value in value for this item Will throw a validation_error exception if it fails.

Public Members

std::string m_tag

The item name.

bool m_mandatory

Flag indicating this item is mandatory.

const type_validator *m_type

The type for this item.

cif::iset m_enums

If filled, the set of allowed values.

std::string m_default

If filled, a default value for this item.

category_validator *m_category = nullptr

The category_validator this item_validator belongs to.