Class transformation
Defined in File symmetry.hpp
Class Documentation
class transformation
A class you can use to apply symmetry transformations on points.
Transformations consist of two operations, a matrix transformation which is often a rotation followed by a translation.
In case the matrix transformation is a pure rotation a quaternion is created to do the actual calculations. That’s faster and more precise.
Public Functions
transformation(const symop_data &data)
constructor taking a symop_data object data
transformation(const matrix3x3<float> &r, const cif::point &t)
constructor taking a rotation matrix r and a translation vector t
inline point operator()(point pt) const
operator() to perform the transformation on point pt and return the result
inline transformation operator-() const
return the inverse tranformation for this
- friend class spacegroup
friend transformation operator*(const transformation &lhs, const transformation &rhs)
return a transformation object that is the result of applying rhs after lhs
friend transformation inverse(const transformation &t)
return the inverse transformation for t
transformation(const symop_data &data)