Template Class matrix_expression

Inheritance Relationships

Derived Type

Class Documentation

template<typename M>
class matrix_expression

Base for the matrix expression templates This all uses the Curiously recurring template pattern.

Template Parameters

M – The type of the derived class

Subclassed by cif::matrix_fixed< float >

Public Functions

inline constexpr size_t dim_m() const

Return the size (dimension) in direction m.

inline constexpr size_t dim_n() const

Return the size (dimension) in direction n.

inline constexpr bool empty() const

Convenient way to test for empty matrices.

inline constexpr auto &operator()(size_t i, size_t j)

Return a reference to element [ i, j ]

inline constexpr auto operator()(size_t i, size_t j) const

Return the value of element [ i, j ]

inline void swap_row(size_t r1, size_t r2)

Swap the contents of rows r1 and r2

inline void swap_col(size_t c1, size_t c2)

Swap the contents of columns c1 and c2


inline friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const matrix_expression &m)

write the matrix m to std::ostream os