Template Class iterator_proxy

Class Documentation

template<typename Category, typename ...Ts>
class iterator_proxy

An iterator_proxy is used as a result type for methods that return a range of values you want to iterate over.

E.g. the class cif::category contains the method cif::category::rows() that returns an iterator_proxy that allows you to iterate over all the rows in the category.

Template Parameters
  • Category – The category for the iterators

  • Ts – The types the iterators return. See class: iterator

Public Functions

inline iterator begin() const

Return the iterator pointing to the first row.

inline iterator end() const

Return the iterator pointing past the last row.

inline bool empty() const

Return true if the range is empty.

inline explicit operator bool() const

Easy way to detect if the range is empty.

inline size_t size() const

Return size of the range.

inline category_type &category() const

Return the category the iterator belong to.

inline void swap(iterator_proxy &rhs)
