Struct category_validator

Struct Documentation

struct category_validator

A validator for categories.

Categories can have a key, a set of items that in combination should be unique.

Public Functions

inline bool operator<(const category_validator &rhs) const

return true if this category sorts before rhs

void addItemValidator(item_validator &&v)

Add item_validator v to the list of item validators.

const item_validator *get_validator_for_item(std::string_view tag) const

Return the item_validator for item tag, may return nullptr.

Public Members

std::string m_name

The name of the category.

std::vector<std::string> m_keys

The list of items that make up the key.

cif::iset m_groups

The category groups this category belongs to.

cif::iset m_mandatory_fields

The mandatory fields for this category.

std::set<item_validator> m_item_validators

The item validators for the items in this category.