Template Class spherical_dots

Class Documentation

template<int N>
class spherical_dots

Helper class to generate evenly divided points on a sphere.

We use a fibonacci sphere to calculate even distribution of the dots

Template Parameters

N – The number of points on the sphere is 2 * N + 1

Public Types

using array_type = typename std::array<point, P>

the internal storage type

using iterator = typename array_type::const_iterator

iterator type

Public Functions

inline size_t size() const

The number of points.

inline const point operator[](uint32_t inIx) const

Access a point by index.

inline iterator begin() const

iterator pointing to the first point

inline iterator end() const

iterator pointing past the last point

inline double weight() const

return the weight,

inline spherical_dots()

Public Static Functions

static inline spherical_dots &instance()

singleton instance

Public Static Attributes

static constexpr int P = 2 * N * 1

the number of points

static constexpr double W = (4 * kPI) / P

the weight of the fibonacci sphere