- start
Welcome to the website of Hekkelman Instrumentenbouw, a company dedicated to building historical keyboard instruments.
I'm currently working on translating this site into English, you will notice I haven't finished that task yet.News
I've almost finished a new model, a muselaer after an Andreas Ruckers from 1610. I only have to finish the flap and lid as well as a stand and accompanying seat.
Here you can hear an impression of what it sounds like. But beware, I'm a beginner when it comes to playing music.
Currently I have three models on offer. The first is a virginal built after Ruckers 1629. The second is a clavichord inspired by an anonymous Swedish instrument in the collection of the Music Museum in Stockholm and the third is a clavichord copied from an instrument by Silbermann from 1775.
Beside instruments I also offer accessories like music stands, covers and piano stools.
Future plans
I'm currently building a new type of virginal, a muselaer (or sometimes called muselaar) of 4½ voet length inspired by an instrument made by Ruckers and located in a museum in Boston. A picture of this work in progress can be seen here.
Another project I'm considering is to extend the range of the Swedish clavichord I built. It would be nice to have a chromatic range in the bas and also change the pitch to 415 Hz instead of the 466 Hz it has currently.